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 Alaska's Reindeer Games:  Assimilation and Economic Development

Ann M Carlos,  University of Colorado Boulder

2018年11月06日 (周二) 下午15:30-17:00


Ann M. Carlos,美国University of Colorado Boulder经济学教授。本科和硕士毕业于University College Dublin,获得经济学、历史学双学士以及经济学硕士学位,博士毕业于University of Western Ontario,获得经济学博士学位。Carlos教授主要研究兴趣是经济史、早期资本市场发展、美国土著居民经济史。她的研究成果发表于Journal of Economic History,Economic History Review,Financial History Review,Explorations in Economic History等期刊,并出版了多本专著。

六、 报告摘要:
For millennia communities lived with the prospect of food insecurity or lived in extreme poverty.  However, the last two centuries have witnessed a significant decline in the number of people living in extreme poverty.  Yet,  this is still a reality for over a billion people worldwide.  To alleviate this, organizations have instituted programs targeted with providing the ultra-poor with assets, in particular, livestock.  Large-scale randomized control trials in Africa, South America and Bangladesh have shown that such one-off asset transfers of livestock reduced the number of ultra-poor households.  In this paper we examine the impact of what was perhaps the first such livestock asset program, the introduction of reindeer to Alaska in 1900.   Reindeer were distributed randomly across households and communities, with some villages and households investing in livestock rearing. Using village level household surveys from 1940, we find, in contrast to current results,  that after forty years villages with reindeer had lower incomes than villages without reindeer.  Within reindeer villages, we find no significant differences between households owning reindeer and those that did not.



上一篇: (11.7)高级经济学讲座第228期

下一篇: (11.3)第12届保险经济论坛